Monday, May 30, 2022



Canada/Montreal, Dandelion!

In Iran, Dandelion meaning small bringer of news is used. It is often thought of as the bringer of good news too, particularly in the North-Eastern of Iran.

We gently catch it and tell it a message for our loved one and blow it away, or alternatively, when it is in the air we catch it and bring it to our ear and listen in case it has a message from our loved one. 

Dandelion in Persian is “Ghasedak” «قاصدک».

Ghasedak -Dandelion- is a well-known poem by Mehdi Akhavan-Saless;


Say, from where you are coming,

From where and what news you have brought?

May you bring good tidings!, but

In vain your roam

Around my roof and door.

.... "

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