Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Sour cherry

Canada/Mont-Saint-Hilaire, Sour cherry! 
Sour cherry is a species in the subgenus cherries, native to southwest Asia and much of Europe. It is closely related to the sweet cherry, but has a fruit that is more acidic. 
It is thought to have originated in the Iranian Plateau or Eastern Europe. 
They were also extremely popular with Persians and the Romans who introduced them into Britain long before the 1st century AD. The fruit remains popular in modern-day Iran.
Sour cherries are used in cooking including cakes, tarts, and pies.  
In Iran, Turkey, Greece and Cyprus, sour cherries are especially prized for making spoon sweets by slowly boiling pitted sour cherries and sugar; the syrup thereof is used for Sharbat-e Albalou, Vişne şurubu or Vyssináda, a beverage made by diluting the syrup with ice-cold water.
Sour cherries or sour cherry syrup are used in liqueurs and drinks too.

#Canada #MontSaintHilaire #Quebec #Sourcherry #fruit #IranianPlateau #EasternEurope #Persian #Iran #cake #tarts #Turkey #Greece #Cyprus #SharbatAlbalou #Vişneşurubu #Vyssináda #cherry #liqueur #tree #Summer #آلبالو