Thursday, August 15, 2019

The lavender field

Canada/Saint-Eustache, The lavender field!
Lavender is a genus of many known species of flowering plants in the mint family. Many members of the genus are cultivated extensively in temperate climates as ornamental plants for garden and landscape use, for use as culinary herbs, and also commercially for the extraction of essential oils. 
#Canada #Quebec #Saint-Eustache #SaintEustache #Lavender #Lavande #maisonlavande #photography #herb #herbs #essentialoil #Plant #farm #lavenderfields #nature #garden #jardin  #quebecenphotos #significant

Monday, August 05, 2019


Canada/Réserve faunique de Portneuf, Nature!
The Portneuf Wildlife Reserve is located in the Eastern part of the Capitale-Nationale region in the province of Quebec. This wildlife reserve is administered by SEPAC. It has 350 lakes and 11 rivers. 
A stay in Réserve faunique de Portneuf is truly a memorable experience. Imagine being able to enjoy a wooded area, a lake and a cabin for a few days to kayak, canoe, fish or simply to relax.

#Canada #Réservefaunique #Portneuf #Nature #WildlifeReserve#CapitaleNationale #Quebec #SEPAC #wood #lake #cabin #kayak #canoe #relax #travel #camping #travelphoto #outdoor #lac #quebecoriginal