Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Lunenburg port

Canada/Lunenburg-Nova Scotia, The Lunenburg port!
Lunenburg is a port town in Nova Scotia, Canada. Situated on the province's South Shore at the western side of Mahone Bay. 
The town was established by the four founding fathers, Patrick Sutherland, Dettlieb Christopher Jessen, John Creighton and Jean-Baptiste Moreau four years after Halifax was established. 
The town was one of the first British attempts to settle Protestants in Nova Scotia intended to displace Mi'kmaq and Acadian Catholics.
The historic town was designated a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site in 1995. This designation ensures protection for much of Lunenburg's unique architecture and civic design, being the best example of planned British colonial settlement in Canada. The historic core of the town is also a National Historic Site of Canada.

#Canada #Lunenburg #NovaScotia #port #MahoneBay #fathers #PatrickSutherland #DettliebChristopherJessen #JohnCreighton #JeanBaptisteMoreau #Halifax #British #Protestants #Mikmaq #Acadian #Catholics #historic #UnitedNations #UNESCO #WorldHeritageSite #Heritage #1995 #architecture #civicdesign #Britishcolonialsettlement #historic #NationalHistoricSiteofCanada #NationalHistoric
#Canadianimage #mostphotographed #Atlantic 
#VisitNovaScotia #tourismnovascotia #ExploreCanada #imagesofcanada #province #MaritimeProvince #maritimes #ohcanada #roadtrip #travelgram #travel 

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Peggys Cove Lighthouse

Canada/Peggys Cove-Nova Scotia, Peggys Cove Lighthouse!
The classic red-and-white lighthouse is an active lighthouse still operated by the Canadian Coast Guard and an iconic Canadian image.
It is situated on an extensive granite outcrop at Peggys Point, immediately south of the village and its cove. This lighthouse is one of the most-photographed structures in Atlantic Canada and one of the most recognizable lighthouses in the world.
The lighthouse marks the eastern entrance of St. Margarets Bay and is officially known as the Peggys Point Lighthouse.
The first lighthouse at Peggys Cove was built in 1868 and was a wooden house with a beacon on the roof.

#Canada #PeggysCove #NovaScotia #PeggysCoveLighthouse #lighthouse #activelighthouse #CanadianCoastGuard #iconic #Canadianimage #PeggysPoint #mostphotographed #structure #Atlantic #StMargaretsBay #PeggysPointLighthouse #1868 
#VisitNovaScotia #tourismnovascotia #ExploreCanada #imagesofcanada #province #MaritimeProvince #maritimes #ohcanada #roadtrip #travelgram #travel 

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Green Gables Heritage Place

Canada/Cavendish, Green Gables Heritage Place!

Green Gables, located in Cavendish in the Prince Edward Island National Park which inspired the setting for L.M. Montgomery to create her beloved tale of a red-haired orphan.
Anne of Green Gables is a 1908 novel that recounts the adventures of Anne Shirley, an 11-year-old orphan girl, who was mistakenly sent to two middle-aged siblings; Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, originally intending to adopt a boy to help them on their farm in the fictional town of Avonlea on Prince Edward Island. 

#Canada #PrinceEdwardIsland #PEI #ÎleduPrinceÉdouard #ileduprinceedouard #province #island #MaritimeProvince  #maritimes #ohcanada #roadtrip #travelgram #travel #ExplorePEI #tourismpei 
#Cavendish #GreenGablesHeritagePlace #GreenGables #Montgomery #LMMontgomery #red-haired #orphan #Anne #AnneofGreenGables #1908 #novel #AnneShirley #orphangirl #Matthew #Marilla #Cuthbert #Avonlea 

Thursday, September 06, 2018

The Legislative Assembly of PEI

Canada/Charlottetown, The Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island!
The Legislative Assembly currently has 27 single-member districts and is currently the smallest provincial assembly in Canada.
In 1773, the first members of the House of Assembly are elected. The House joins the Legislative Council, whose members are appointed, to form a bicameral, or two-house, legislature.

#Canada #PrinceEdwardIsland #PEI #ÎleduPrinceÉdouard #ileduprinceedouard #province #island #MaritimeProvince  #maritimes #ohcanada #roadtrip #travelgram #travel #ExplorePEI #tourismpei 
#Charlottetown #Confederation 
#LegislativeAssembly #smallest #1773 #HouseofAssembly #election #LegislativeCouncil #bicameral #legislature
#peigovernment #accessiblepei #canadianhistory #heritage #politics

Tuesday, September 04, 2018

John Hamilton Grays

Canada/Charlottetown, John Hamilton Grays!
There were two Fathers of Confederation with the same name of John Hamilton Gray, one from Prince Edward Island and one from New Brunswick. The story of them who both attended the Charlottetown Conference way back in 1864.
It made by Nathan Scott and situated outside of The Great George Hotel, across the street from St. Dunstan’s Basilica church.

#Canada #PrinceEdwardIsland #PEI #ÎleduPrinceÉdouard #ileduprinceedouard #province #island #MaritimeProvince  #maritimes #ohcanada #roadtrip #travelgram #travel #ExplorePEI #tourismpei 
#Charlottetown #JohnHamiltonGray #Confederation #FatherofConfederation #NewBrunswick #1864 #NathanScott #GreatGeorgeHotel #StDunstansBasilica #Bronze #sculpture #Statue

Monday, September 03, 2018

Collecting Firewood

Canada/Prince Edward Island/Victoria, Collecting Firewood!
Firewood is any wooden material that is gathered and used for fuel. Firewood is a renewable resource. Good forestry practices and improvements in devices that use firewood can improve local wood supplies. 
Harvesting or collecting firewood varies by the region and culture. Some places have specific areas for firewood collection. 
Generally, firewood is not highly processed and is in some sort of recognizable log or branch form, compared to other forms of wood fuel.

#Canada #PrinceEdwardIsland #PEI #ÎleduPrinceÉdouard #ileduprinceedouard #province #island #MaritimeProvince  #maritimes #ohcanada #roadtrip #travelgram #travel #ExplorePEI #Victoria #VictoriabytheSea #tourismpei
#CollectingFirewood #Firewood #woodenmaterial #fuel #renewableresource #wood #Harvestingfirewood #firewoodcollection #woodfuel

Sunday, September 02, 2018

PEI's Nature

Canada/Prince Edward Island, Nature!
Prince Edward Island (PEI or Île-du-Prince-Édouard) is a province of Canada consisting of the island of the same name, and several much smaller islands. Prince Edward Island is one of the three Maritime Provinces and is the smallest province in both land area and population. According to the 2016 census, the province of Prince Edward Island has 142,907.

#Canada #PrinceEdwardIsland #Nature #PEI #ÎleduPrinceÉdouard #ileduprinceedouard #province #island #MaritimeProvince #smallest 
#ocean #atlantic #atlanticocean #eastcoast #maritimes #ohcanada 
 #roadtrip #travelgram #travel #ExplorePEI